Oct 22, 2009

Communication does not always have to be a competition

It truly is a practiced art to listen more than you speak. In Japan, they say that speech is silver but silence is golden. I have heard somewhere that you have two ears and one mouth and conversation should be kept in that proportion.

The more valued results of communication are connection and sharing. As far as men and women go: men want to solve problems and women just want us to listen. I have recently learned from a friend the value of dialoging. A good dialog is like a good volley in Tennis. Thoughts bounce back and forth and one is in response to the other. The result being much greater than if you are just dumping on someone. Often, what develops is something greater than you could do alone.

A BLOG is so much more when there is dialog so I hope that site we can achieve this.

This is not a news letter--even though the current 6 followers do not necessarily know one another, you will be surprised with the things you have in common other than me.

My golf thought of the day is that it is more important to get really good at a few really important things than to be confused by a lot of things that you will undoubtedly hear or read about. I am still working on my balance and hitting down and through the ball.

Oct 1, 2009

Favorite Sayings/Quotes

"Hood it, Trust it" ---Buddy 'Love' Surette

"Friends are people who know you and still like you". ---Bob Green, Tedesco Country Club Golf Head Professional

It took you that long to that bad of a shot.

Golf is a game of opposites, to hit the ball up in the air the club has to be working downwards through the ball.

When the body stops moving the hands take over so keep your body moving.

Golf is played on one foot.

"In the race between the club head and the club face to the ball the handle wins the race every time." ---Eddie Merrins, Bel-Air Country Club

If you are paying someone for their opinion, shut up and listen.

Never hit a shot trying not to do something.

"I'll never do that again." ---Margaret Costa

"I finally got it - again." ---Anonymous

Hitters hit, swingers swing,
Its much more fun to be a swinger.

There is no such thing as a one fix wonder. You just hope there is.

A big back swing does not necessarily create power.

Trying to keep your head down and left arm straight is a good way to make an awkward looking golf swing.

Believe it, the club marketers are correct. A new driver will make you hit it better.

The last thoughts you should have on any putt should be about distance or weight, not the line.

Don't worry about the grass, it will grow back. A solid shot and a divot ahead of the golf ball go hand in hand.

When in a bunker if all else fails just hit it fat and hard and get it out.

Bear Hill Reference Letter BLOG

A private golf club is like a big family. I would like to thank the members of Bear Hill for making me feel welcome and allowing me to be a part of your family as an Assistant Professional.

In a relatively short period of time we created a culture of learning that was fun and rewarding. I enjoyed my time at BHGC and learned much from you all. I look at each of you who asked for advice on how to play better golf as a compliment and was honored to help. I take these requests very seriously. Thank you for showing me the rewards of helping others and making me feel valued.

If you have any comments or stories to share about your experience with me as an Assistant Professional at BHGC than please share as I will print this Blog and use it as a reference letter.

Please click on the green "Bear Hill Reference Letter Blog" (an underline will pop out as you move the cursor over it) and type in the box and hit post comment if you feel moved to do so.

Best of luck with your on-going relationship with your golf game and thanks for letting me be a part of your BH experience. I look forward to receiving your comments.

Fairways and Greens,

Doug Comstock