Oct 1, 2009

Bear Hill Reference Letter BLOG

A private golf club is like a big family. I would like to thank the members of Bear Hill for making me feel welcome and allowing me to be a part of your family as an Assistant Professional.

In a relatively short period of time we created a culture of learning that was fun and rewarding. I enjoyed my time at BHGC and learned much from you all. I look at each of you who asked for advice on how to play better golf as a compliment and was honored to help. I take these requests very seriously. Thank you for showing me the rewards of helping others and making me feel valued.

If you have any comments or stories to share about your experience with me as an Assistant Professional at BHGC than please share as I will print this Blog and use it as a reference letter.

Please click on the green "Bear Hill Reference Letter Blog" (an underline will pop out as you move the cursor over it) and type in the box and hit post comment if you feel moved to do so.

Best of luck with your on-going relationship with your golf game and thanks for letting me be a part of your BH experience. I look forward to receiving your comments.

Fairways and Greens,

Doug Comstock

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Doug for giving me the a gift that I can work on and enjoy for many years to come. When I began working with you I had no idea where it would lead me. You initially asked me if I wanted to learn to swing the club properly or did I have another goal? I can say that my understanding and enjoyment of the game has grown immensely over this past year and a half since working with you. I felt that you were committed to help me take my game to whatever level I am willing to work toward. You have worked with me tirelessly, always patient, always encouraging, always giving me hope for a better swing, a better game. I have experienced how difficult and how fulfilling this game can be. I have developed a full-blown love of swinging that club to the best of my ability, each and every time. It is a difficult and pernicious sport - one that has often taken over my sense of responsibility to chores and work!
