Mar 18, 2010

Yen and Yang

Hogan called this pronation and supination and believed it to be fundamental in his golf swing. Some people call it fanning the club. Every tour pro does it and almost every amateur does not. (HuMM)

I do it naturally right handed only and get a shot quality that I want. The thing is that I don't do it completely with both hands on the club. If I don't do it on the backswing or takeaway than I cannot do it on the downswing into impact through release. This is the way I get more feel of the clubhead.

You have to fully embrace that you cannot guide the ball with a clubface. It is only square at impact for and instant. The rewards of understanding this is more effortless power and consistency through better angles.

I'm to keep this Post simple and short. Go out and try this with 30 yard shots and they will probably go 60 and I'll leave it up to your feel to decide if you want this feel in your more full golf swings.




  1. Doug
    Good tip kee them coming
    Bob D

  2. This is a new concept for me. Are you saying that the power is in the supination and pronation? I'll take it to the range...........

  3. Hi Winthrop. Quick question.. Do I know you? If so how and when? Its ok if I don't and I am happy that your are pursuant of better golf for yourself.

    Power is not specifically one thing. Power is a combination of clubhead speed at impact and solidness of strike. Not only in centerdness of hit but in where your body is and how you are stacked up and probabaly other factors of which I'm not even aware.

    What I try to do is to show you where to look and what to be wary of in line with what the best ball strikers do on TV. My biggest theme is find solid on a little swing and learn how to repeat it. Then and only then, learn how to let it seep into your bigger swings. Solid is easier to find for me on my little swings.

    Hitting it solid is most easily defined on a personal level as how it felt and what the ball does. If it feels like buttah and the ball was zippy than it was probably powerful and solid.

    Yen is Yang is about rotation and the hands and arms. As I re-read this it is also about swing plane and the relationship of the arms to the shaft.

    The concept of the club only being square at the ball is another concept. This allows one to create angles. Great angles are fundamental to effortless power or more specifically, power at impact.

    Being on plane is important for solidness. Coordination of your body parts working together is important for power.

    There are so many things working that I couldn't even begin to describe or to try would = a loss in translation. This is why I just default to more effecient and less effecient and feel and practice. These things I try to discuss are just to be used as guides in the journey of swing discovery.

    Thanks for the feedback as this BLOG needs way more of that to take off. As I stated in the Introduction its way more fun to hear the feedback and your experiences than some guy rambling on about the golf swing. For some reason people dont seem to document responses and questions but as the saying goes if you have the question someone else probably does also. So thanks again for the response and keep me posted as to your progress.
